Sept 15th, Minis Caravan to the Coast
Mark your calendar for Sunday, September 15th! Now that Labor Day has officially chased away the Summer crowds, it is finally safe to visit the Oregon coast. Some great roads are awaiting OMS members and their rambunctious Minis. Our destination is Tillamook, OR. to see the Tillamook Air Museum — the largest wooden structure in […]
ABFM- Labor Day Weekend!
2013 ABFM Registration Register By August 15th And You Will Receive: A reserved space on the field in your class, a complementary dash plaque, a FREE swap meet or car for sale space, the opportunity to have a photo of their car(s) in the souvenir program and the opportunity to purchase limited edition apparel. Registrations […]
August Members 2013
About a dozen OMS members assembled in the Steakburger parking lot for the August Mt. St. Helen’s Tour. Amongst the familiar automobiles there was a new face, Tammie from Tigard and her family. Tammie purchased her 1961 Mk 1 Australian Morris Mini, which she affectionately calls “Mate”, about 6 years ago with the help of […]
Urgent Request…
We have been fortunate to have several owners commit cars for our Feature Display at this year’s ABFM. But, we still very much need cars to represent these models: Austin America/MG 1100 or 1300, or other ADO16 models Wolseley Mini set up for rally competition Neo MINI, first generation A car for this display need […]
August 18th OMS Mt. St. Helens Tour
This 200 mile round trip drive to Mount St. Helens is like a trip to the moon, thanks to the 1980 eruption of the volcano. The effects of it’s destruction (33 years and 3 months ago) will increase in scale as we ascend alongside the Toutle River Valley. We will depart promptly at 10AM from […]
July Members 2013
Welcome Gary & Diana of Meridian, Idaho and Sean & Hillary of Portland, Oregon and Raul of Portland, Oregon.
2013 Awards
OMS Spirit of Sue and OMS Spark Plug Award Winners January 13, 2013 At year end, there are two Awards that can be given to OMS club members. The Spirit of Sue Award is given to someone who exhibits dedication to the Mini marque through generous participation and involvement. The Spark Plug Award is given […]
June 28th-30th Historic Races
The 37th Annual Historic Races at PIR. This is an incredibly fun-filled weekend. This year, the races will be June 29th and 30th. This is a wonderful opportunity to see some great historic racing (and even wander through the paddock area) as well as show off your Mini. As a car club, we have a […]
May Members 2013
Jason joins us from Portland, OR. Jason is a proud owner of an imported 1972 Morris mini 1275cc right hand drive. He has also owned an Austin America in the past but the 1972 is his first Mini. Welcome Jason.
May 11th, Tech Session
Tech Session — Engine Disassembly Watch a pro take apart a Mini engine. Even if you aren’t planning to tear down your Mini’s engine soon, or ever, you may be curious about the process and what’s inside the heart of our wonderful cars. If you are considering rebuilding your engine, this will be great opportunity […]